What are the Benefits of Hiring a Doula?

Childbirth is one of the most significant rites of passage in a woman’s life and each pregnancy and birth experience can have long-lasting physical and emotional impacts.

Over the last few centuries, pregnancy and childbirth in western cultures have been brought under the umbrella of “medical care”, which has seen a huge shift in the way we are brought up to view these natural life events. Birth in a hospital setting can be especially tricky to navigate as we place our trust into the “experts” and ultimately lose autonomy over our own bodies. This can lead to traumatic birth experiences and the perpetuation of the view that birth is dangerous and something to be feared.

Having the support of a doula during labour and birth has been proven to have a positive impact on women’s birth experiences. A recent Cochrane review of the research concluded that having a doula increased the likelihood of going into labour spontaneously; reduced the need for epidural analgesia; reduced the rates of instrumental births and Caesarean sections and resulted in more women having a positive birth experience. Read the review here.

Personally, I think that the biggest benefit of hiring a doula is having guaranteed continuity of care from someone that you know and trust, and who knows your birth preferences inside-out. Going back to the roots of birth as women’s business, it is often reassuring simply having the presence of another woman during this time, who makes you feel safe and heard. It may even feel liberating having an open and trusting relationship with a woman who is independent of your family and friends, with whom you can have those honest conversations without fear of judgement or negative comments. As your doula, I will simply listen. It is so important to surround yourself with people who will support your choices for labour and who will create a positive and nurturing birth environment - their energy will influence your energy. Having a doula is also like having support for your support! The role of a doula is not by any means designed to replace your chosen primary birth support person. We form a mini birth support team, working in unison to promote a calm and positive birth experience which reflects your needs and wishes.

As your doula, or birth companion, I walk alongside you and your partner on this exciting journey, offering physical and emotional support; sharing helpful tips and techniques to use during labour and birth and a wealth of knowledge and resources so that you are able to make confident, well-informed decisions throughout. With an extra member on your birth team giving you unconditional support, you will have the power to create an amazing birth experience!

Makes the dream work!

My name is Mel Howells and I am a doula who has trained with the Doula Training Academy. Every pregnancy and birth are different, and no two women will experience the same journey to motherhood. The philosophy which underpins my services acknowledges every woman’s uniqueness and my work is tailored to meet your every need. Birth can be a magical experience and I want you to look back on your birth with positivity and pride. If this resonates with you and you want to learn more about what I offer, please feel free to send me an email at mel@serenebirths.com.au or reach out to me via social media on the links below. I would be honoured to walk alongside you on your birth journey. If you would like to find out more about our offerings, please click here for packages or contact us.


Doulas - Ancient Roots; Modern Necessity.